Financial & Insurance Policies

Uninsured Patients

For patients who don’t have dental insurance, or whose insurance benefit maximum has been met for the contract year, full payment is due at time of service, including any past-due balance. We accept cash and checks, Apple Pay and other contactless payments, and all major credit cards. There’s also an option to pay online.

Insured Patients

We accept all major PPO dental insurance (Delta, MetLife, Aetna, Cigna, Guardian, etc.), but no HMOs. We are out-of-network providers, and so submit claims at our current office fees. We recommend that you review your dental insurance policy for clarification prior to your first visit. As of January 1, 2023, we are no longer Delta Premier Providers.

For patients with active dental insurance, we will submit your claim and request payment at time of service; all insurance payments go to the patient, so please make sure we have your accurate policy information and mailing address. Please note that any amount not covered by insurance is the patient’s responsibility. Some services may be non-covered and/or not considered reasonable and necessary according to your provider. Your insurance policy is a contract between you and your insurance provider, and reimbursement levels are dependent upon the premiums you pay, the benefits your company negotiates, and frequency limitations. We are not a party to that contract.

Any insurance benefit figure provided by our office is an estimate only, not a guarantee of payment. We recommend that you contact your dental insurance provider with any questions regarding your coverage, and request a pre-treatment estimate of coverage before embarking on any potentially costly treatment.

Missed Appointments

Because office time and materials are reserved for you, a fee may be applied for a missed appointment not canceled at least 24 hours in advance. The first such fee will be $75; subsequent fees will be charged at our current hygiene rate. Please help us serve our patients efficiently by arriving on time for your scheduled appointment and giving us as much advance notice as possible if you need to reschedule.

Delinquent Accounts

Unless other arrangements are made, we require payment within 30 days of billing statement receipt. Overdue accounts are subject to a monthly 1.5% finance charge ($5.00 minimum). Accounts past-due over 90 days are subject to submission to a collection service, which may adversely affect your credit rating. We reserve this as a final measure after all other attempts at collection have been exhausted.

We’re committed to providing the best possible dental and oral health care, and to making your visit with us as enjoyable as possible. Feel free to discuss with us any questions or concerns you have regarding the above.